This is my temple of expression. It may contain some things that may offend you and i assure you that i could care less. I'm sure listening to me rant about shit will get boring.. but check out my images section.. its got some pretty funny things. Oh n drop me an email some time ;] (bottom of page)

Welcome to my site.. some basics.. I was born on 4/1/84 that makes me 17 and also an aries. I enjoy listening to music, reading, dancing, skating, and experimenting with chemicals.

The Shell?
Are you in a shell? What is a shell? How did i get here? Chances are you are still in the shell your parents, society, religion, etc.. put you in before you were able to think for yourself. If you think that you have always thought for yourself, you are wrong. Before we learn to walk, talk, or speak, ideas are put into our heads. No, all of these ideas are not bad. Yes, not all of them were good. But.. you be the judge. Are your beliefs, goals, ideas, etc.. of your own? Or were you taught them? I am just trying to give you a chance to re-evaluate yourself. Do you believe in god, if so what god? and why? What do you want to be? why? Who do you try to be like in your every day life? why? Most people are not people, just mindless sheep and whores of society. They have never seen outside of the shell. Crack the shell open.. question what you've been taught.. quit doing things because society deems them 'the cool thing to do'.. do things to better yourself and other people and the world around you.. not because someone tells you to or to fit in. Make society adapt to you.. don't adapt to it.. don't wear clothes just because someone else deems them cool.. think outside of the box. Believe in what you think is right and true.. wear what you like.. say what you want.. quit conforming. Stop letting the televangelists and celebrities on tv be your standard of excellence. Set your own level of excellence.

I care about my family, friends, music, dancing, going to parties, skating, and myself i suppose. Even though this may seem like a lot of things.. everything else has fallen into the void. I really dont give a shit about anything else. This message is of no real importance.. just something some of you can ponder with me if you get bored.

My Weekly Observation
Today is June 5th.. damn this should be more like the yearly observation the way i update this site.. but i will try to get back to doing this weekly. I completed my last day as a junior on may 24th.. i'm a senior! My whole school 'career' seems like a blur. What's funny is i made it this far by selective listening and good vision.. if you know what i mean ;] and.. cheaters do prosper if they do it right and do some of the work for themselves. Summer is great and so is not waking up. This saturday.. June 9th is Zenfest, DJ Tiesto, George Acosta, Bad Company, Spacemen, Robert Miles, Jurassic 5, WishFM, etc, etc, etc.... its gonna be phat as hell and i'll post my review when i return.


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